Inspirational GLOBALIZATION Ideas for Thought..

Global (Universal, Holistic) Thinking was defined as an ability to think using the categories of whole planet, and to perceive the World as a System of Systems and a System of multilevel interdependencies. It helps to find better solutions to complicated problems by building better strategies. To read WHY THINK GLOBAL?
Today's most complex issues and realities (the globally interconnected economy and financial system; global ecological sustainability; global health; and global security) can no longer be compartmentalized or addressed in isolation. These domains are shared by all peoples of the planet, and require global approaches and solutions.Today's students must be prepared to collaborate as partners and stewards of a globally diverse, interdependent world. Promoting the skills of global competency, and and practicing global collaboration in classrooms today will enhance our collective potential for prosperity and survival in the future.
For the first time in human history, the entire globe may be affected, almost simultaneously by changes that are political, economic, social, cultural or environmental in nature.  The pressing nature of global problems clearly demonstrates the need for a new approach to education that must be global in scope as we search for a common understanding of the concepts of interdependence, interrelatedness, commonality, biocentrism and systems thinking with a futures perspective. Traditionally, we have approached global issues as one-dimensional isolated events. In reality, such events are multi-faceted and interlocking.
 we need to question the role of humanity in war, unequal development, mass starvation, human rights violations and environmental degradation. 
Schools provide an opportunity for students to learn to love this planet as their "home" and to learn to appreciate all life forms and their role within the planetary system.  All subject and content areas furnish opportunities for learners to consider both that which inhibits and enriches the human experience. Schools can enable learners to face the earthly condition with both joy and caution and to make the necessary decisions and wise choices to maximize the human within.